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Unit 3 Environment, phrasal verbs and make and ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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An animal that is feared to not exist in the near future is called an ............... .............
endangered species
The temperature of the Earth is getting hotter each year. What do we call this?
climate change
When we measure the amount of rain that has fallen from the sky, we say .........................
rainfall. The rainfall in Spain each year is getting less. (an opinion)
These are all what? natural ...............
natural resources
Do you think there is too much ................. on everyday products?
A painter, builder and housekeeper are all types of what job?
Manual workers
We can collect the .................... in a container to save water and irrigate the garden.
What is on this beach?
Bottles and plastic can be ..........................
What are pesticides? Give a definition.
What ............. has fossil fuels had on global warming?
Soon mobile phones will be .............. from schools
............. panels are used on top of houses to recycle the ........... energy from the sun.
We ........... ...... the litter off the park so the environment is safer and healthier for animals and humans to enjoy.
clean up
Can you ..... ...... ........ $5 for now and I’ll give you the rest tomorrow?
make do with
Dinosaurs ...... ....... millions of years ago.
died out
Surely you can ..... ........... your mobile phones during the school day.
do without
Am I getting the .............. ............. ? Are you understanding the concept?
message across
Another similar phrase we use like  ´cut down´ and we use it with trees
chop down or chopped down
Make sure you always .......... ............. your rubbish in the bin NOT on the floor.
throw away
I don´t understand this, it doesn´t ........ .........
make sense
Many rainforests are being ............... ............. leading to animal habitats being destroyed.
cut down
An idiom - for finding out if something is true or real - (make) e.g. ........... .......... he is telling the truth before you give him the money.
Make sure .....................
The pesticides are .................off many birds and fish and not just insects that are bad for the crops.
killing off
I am ............. my .......... for the environment by recycling all the rubbish I use in my house.
doing my bit