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Junior 4 / Quiz 1 Correction (Fall)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Present Perfect or Simple Past: ________ Olivia (try) surfing before?
Has / tried
Present Perfect or Simple Past: Sam (not feel) well after the eating competition.
didn't feel
Present Perfect or Simple Past: I (have) three different Math teachers this year.
have had
Present Perfect or Simple Past: My big sister (become) a firefighter when she was 18.
Make a question and short answer: _________ Tom [buy/take/watch] a new soccer ball? (✔)
Has Tom bought a new soccer ball? Yes, he has.
Make a question and short answer: _________ Maria and Rodrigo [invite/meet/take] Selena Gomez? (🗶)
Have Maria and Rodrigo met Selina Gomez? No, they haven't.
Make a question and short answer: _________ your sister [invite/take/meet] Lauren to her party? (🗶)
Has your sister invited Lauren to her party? No, she hasn't.
Make a question and short answer: _________ Kristen [ride/read/buy] her new bike to school? (✔)
Has Kristen ridden her new bike to school? Yes, she has.
Ever or Never: my brother / see / Star Wars.
My brother has never seen Star Wars.
Ever or Never: we / win / a prize before!
We've never won a prize before!
Ever or Never: you / fly / in an airplane?
Have you ever flown in an airplane?
Ever or Never: Jack / read / this magazine?
Has Jack ever read this magazine?
Present Perfect: I ____________ (not watch) one of her vlog posts for ages.
haven't watched
Present Perfect: My friend, Tina ______________ (make) a video of her and her brother. I’m going to watch it.
has made
Present Perfect: Finally! I ______________ (finish) my homework!
have finished
We aren’t at home. We ______________ to the coast for the weekend
have gone
has gone
have been
has been
Amy has some new jeans and a sweater. She ______________ shopping.
's been
've been
's gone
've gone
I ______________ to New York City. I came back yesterday.
've been
've gone
You ______________ to bed?! But it’s only 9 p.m.!
've gone
've been
've went
What's the experience?
Climb a mountain
What's the experience?
Do a bungee jump
What's the experience?
Hold an exotic animal
What's the experience?
Win a competetion