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3 - Life Stages

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the (5) human life stages in order,
infancy > childhood > adolescence > adulthood > old age
What's the final stage of the life cycle?
old age
A child can _________
catch a ball
How long does it take for a human baby to grow to adult size?
about 18 years
Name one thing a child can do in the childhood life stage
attend primary school, catch a ball, say their first words, use a potty
What do you call the person in the adulthood stage?
At what age does (early) adulthood start?
at age 18
A child can_____.
dress themselves
Infants can ___________
Infants can________.
may take their first step
The life stage wherein a person develops from a child into an adult.
What life stage does a human start using a potty?
A newborn baby is called an _________
What life stage are you in now?
What is the first stage of the human life?