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Level Readers - Penguins

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What word means "to walk using short steps while rocking?"
What word means "smooth or shiny?"
What word means "to continue to live and grow?"
How does the family find each other?
They whistle.
When does the mother penguin come back?
July or August
Why can't chicks swim?
Their feathers are not waterproof.
How long does the father stay with the egg?
Two months.
How does the father penguin keep the egg warm?
He keeps it in a pouch under his belly.
A large group of penguins is called a _____.
To stay warm, what do penguins do?
huddle together
Penguins steer with their ____ and _____.
feet and tails.
Penguins have ______ feet.
Penguins spend most of their time living in the ______.
Where do penguins live?
What colors are penguins?
black and white
What is the largest kind of penguin?
Emperor Penguins