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Thailand Trip
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you comfortable asking for help or directions from locals if you get lost?
Have you downloaded any language translation apps or learned essential phrases for basic communication?
What strategies do you plan to use for communication if you don't speak Thai fluently?
Are there any specific markets or shopping districts you want to visit for unique items?
Do you know how to haggle or negotiate prices while shopping in local markets?
What souvenirs are you planning to buy from Thailand for yourself and your friends/family?
Do you have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and trip cancellations?
Are you aware of common scams or tourist traps in Thailand? How do you plan to stay safe from such situations?
Do you know the emergency contact numbers in Thailand, including police, medical services, and your country's embassy?
How do you plan to travel within Thailand? Have you researched local transportation options?
Are there any specific activities or tours you are interested in, such as visiting temples, wildlife sanctuaries, or beaches?
What are the must-visit places in Thailand that you have planned to explore?
How do you plan to navigate the local food scene, especially if you don't speak Thai?
Are you familiar with any food allergies or dietary restrictions that you need to consider while dining in Thailand?
Have you tried Thai food before? What Thai dishes are you looking forward to trying during your trip?
Are there any specific do's and don'ts in Thai culture that tourists should follow?
How do people greet each other in Thailand? What is considered polite behavior?
What are some customs and traditions in Thailand that you should be aware of as a traveler?
Do you know any basic Thai phrases that could be helpful during your trip?
Have you researched the weather in Thailand during your travel dates? What kind of clothing will you need to pack?
What do you need to pack for your trip to Thailand?