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ETB1002 Intro to Hospitality - S1

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There are a number of ways (factors) in which to classify accommodation services? Give 3 examples
Full-service hotels have variety of services, facilities or amenities, list these facilities, services and amenities?
How the hospitality industry adds to the economic growth of a nation?
1- Employment; 2- Support to local businesses; 3- Revenue generation; 4-Foreign exchange and direct investments; 5- Encourages infrastructure development
Approximately 70% of hotel revenue comes from room sales. List 3 other revenues ?
Food & beverage sales; Fees from the use of spa / leisure facilities; Room hire (function / conference suites)
What is the difference between direct and indirect economic impact of Hotels?
List 3 examples of Hotel & Accommodation Types (Location)
Hotels and accommodation services can be managed in a variety of ways, these include:
Corporate Operations; Independent Operators; Franchises; Management Company Operations
Hotels may be classified in several ways and may have one or more affiliation, provide 4 examples of hotel affiliations?
Hotel chain; Parent company; Management company; Owner; Asset management company. Membership or marketing group etc.
Discuss Multiplier Effect of Hotel on a Community ?
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Accommodation services cover a number of different types of businesses within its remit, these include:
Full Service Hotels; Economy / Budget Hotels; Bed & Breakfast Accommodation; Apartment / Aparthotel (Condotels)
Apart from sustainability and green travel, discuss two key trends in hospitality and tourism?
Globalization; Health, Safety and Security; Diversity and Changing demographics; Service, Technology; Social Media & Mobile; Travel with Purpose
What is sustainability, and how does it relate to the hospitality industry?
Identify some of the highlighted characteristics of the hospitality industry?
Identify and explain two differences between the hospitality business and other business sectors
1.Customer Focus/Satisfaction,2-Time Sensitivity&longer hours,3-Seasonality,4-Multi-disciplinary operations, 5-Inseparability,6-Dependency on Reputation etc.
The most challenging aspect of working in the Tourism and Hospitality industry is creating powerful impressions that have the ability to affect the human experience. True or False?
Under Tourism and Hospitality industry there are several sectors, what are the 5 main sectors?
Travel, Lodging, Assembly/Event management, Restaurants, Recreation