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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He simply looked mean and _____.
hard as nails
He might be in his eighties but he's ______, that man.
tough as old boots
Their little girl, ______, wanted to know everything they were saying.
bright as a button
I've never seen a car this old fully restored, it looks ______.
as good as new
Even under pressure, he remains _____, never losing his composure.
cool as a cucumber
Her ideas may seem _____ to some, but they are actually quite innovative.
daft as a brush
Solving this math problem was______, I don't know why my classmates struggled with it.
as easy as pie
I had one drink and felt tipsy, my friend _______ but never gets drunk.
drinks like a fish
After working for 12 hours, I sleep _____.
like a log
The student's behavior has been ______ since the teacher praised her in front of the class.
as good as gold
She's ______, yet she eats like a horse.
thin as a rake
My sister _____ but never seems to gain any weight.
eats like a horse
Despite his old age, my grandfather is still _____.
as fit as a fiddle
I'm ______ without my glasses.
as blind as a bat
My grandfather is _____, I have to speak loudly for him to hear.
as deaf as a post
My son is ____, he never listens to my advice.
as stubborn as a mule
The new computer program works______, making our workflow so much smoother.
like a dream
The runner was ____, finishing the marathon first.
as quick as a flash
The patient was _____ after the surgery.
as white as a sheet