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Chapter 4 Social Studies Oct 2020

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Delegates are chosen through ____________ or in a _______
Primary elections; caucus
At the national convention, delegates choose the party’s candidates for ____________
President and vice-president
The national committee __________ money for presidential elections and campaigns and __________ the party’s national convention
Raises; organizes
Each party has a _________ that raises money and organizes conventions
National committee
Citizens can identify differences in parties by ________________ each party writes when it nominates a __________ candidate
reading the platform; presidential
The US is a multi-party system because you can be memer of the democratic, republican, third, or independent party. True or False
What's an example of the largest Third Party?
A politically independent can vote either way. True or False
The US is technically a __________________
multi-party system
What are other jobs of political parties? (5)
support candidates, influence laws and policy, unite levels of government, create balance, influence voters
By organizing into political parties, people have __________ to infuence government than if they acted alone
More power
Political parties exist at every level of government, from the national level to your very own ____________
Political parties fight to gain political power by having ____________
candidates elected to office
Political views are a person's ideas about ___________________________
how the government should run and how the issues facing our country should be solved
Since the late 1850s the _____________________ have remained the major parties of our nation
Republicans and Democrats
Democrats wanted to allow people in each territory to _____________ the issue of slavery
decide for themselves
In 1854, people who _________________ began the new Republican party
opposed slavery
Whig party wants to avoid controversial topic of __________
The National Republican party is replaced by the ____________
whig party
_______________ fades and is replaced by the Whig Party
National Republican Party
Those who opposed Jackson called themselves the _________________
National Republicans
Andrew Jackson supporters called themselves the ________________
Democratic Party
In 1828, the ___________________ party split
The whig party was present 1834-1854 and favored _______________
internal improvements
Which party was present 1854-present and opposed slavery
Which party was present from 1834-present and supported common people
National Republican party favored a strong central government and was present from ________
The Democratic-Republican party was present 1790s-1828 and favored a _____________
state over national government
Which party was present in 1790s-1820 and favored a strong central government
Democratic-Republican party grew _____________, the Federalist Party lost support and ___________
stronger; faded away
The demeocratic-republican party favored ____________ the power of a national government to protect people's rights
_______________ started the Democratic-Republican Party
Thomas Jefferson
The federalist party favored a __________ national government that would protect people's rights
________________ started the federalist party
Alexander Hamilton
In the late 1790s, the groups had formed because _________________
people had ideas about what the government should do
The "Framers" feared that parties would ___________________ that would weaken the nation
lead to divisions
Many of the framers who wrote the constitution were ____________________
Not in favor of political parties
A series of statements expressing a party's principles, beliefs, and positions on election issues
A political party that challenges the two major parties
Third party
A meeting of political party members to conduct party business
Representatives from each state who run a political party
National committee
People running for political office
A system of government in wich two political parties compete for power
Two party system
Organized group of people who share similar political views and work to influence the government in support of their views
Political party