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USA Day - Famous People

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is it?
Katherine Johnson -聽 matematyczka
Who is it?
Henry Ford - przemys艂owiec i in偶ynier
Who is it?
Emily Dickinson - poetka
Who is it?
Sitting Bull - szaman i w贸dz india艅ski
Who is it?
Walt Disney - animator i producent filmowy
Who is it?
Louis Armstrong - muzyk jazzowy
Who is it?
Steven Spielberg - re偶yser i producent filmowy, laureat trzech Oskar贸w
Who is it?
John F. Kennedy - prezydent USA, zastrzelony w Dallas
Who is it?
Ronald Reagan - aktor, polityk, prezydent Stan贸w Zjednoczonych
Who is it?
Elvis Presley - piosenkarz i aktor
Who is it?
Steve Jobs - projektant komputer贸w, za艂o偶yciel Apple
Who is it?
Thomas Edison - wynalazca 偶ar贸wki
Who is it?
Barrack Obama - pierwszy czarnosk贸ry prezydent USA
Who is it?
Thomas Jefferson - trzeci prezydent USA, jeden z autor贸w Deklaracji Niepodleg艂o艣ci
Who is it?
Theodore Roosevelt - dwudziesty sz贸sty prezydent Stan贸w Zjednoczonych
Who is it?
George Washington - ojciec - za艂o偶yciel Stan贸w Zjednoczonych
Who is it?
Abraham Lincoln - szesnasty prezydent Stan贸w Zjednoczonych, doprowadzi艂 do zniesienia niewolnictwa
Who is it?
Martin Luther King - pastor, lider ruchu praw obywatelskich