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Characteristics of diversity:
Ethnicity, cultural background, lifestyle, experience, and interest.
Name two cultures you can find in Chihuahua.:
Mennonites and Tarahumaras
What to things describe multiculturalism?
Linguistic diversity and cultural diversity
What is multiculturalism?
Is a word that describes a society where many different cultures live together.
A range of people with various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds and various lifestyles, experience, and interests.
What things make up a culture?
Food, Language, Clothing, Tools, Music, Arts, Customs, Beliefs, and religion.
Mestizos became the largest segment of the population.
Many indigenous people were killed by European disease.
Small ejidos were replaced by large haciendas.
Most people were converted to Roman Catholicism.
The Aztec Empire was replaced by a large Spanish Colonial Government.
They imposed Castilian language. This led to the discrimination of indigenous languages.
After the conquest
One of their Gods was Quetzalcoatl.
Before the conquest
Many indigenous languages disappeared.
After the conquest
They practiced hunting, fishing, and trading.
Before the conquest
Introduced new food, pork, beef, and wheat.
After the conquest
Their economy was agriculture, such as corn, beans and squash.
Before the conquest
The Spanish destroyed temples, forced Indians to Catholicism, and adopt Spanish dress and manners.
After the conquest
They pioneered the development of agriculture, writing and math.
Before the conquest
Indians now worked for the Spanish
Happened after the conquest
They built cities and monuments.
What is culture?
is a pattern of behavior shared by a society, or group of people.
Is a word that describes a society where many different cultures live together.
What is diversity?
A range of people with various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds and various lifestyles, experience, and interests.