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Post Tongue Release Exercises

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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tongue up and down 3 times
reach to your nose, then to your chin
tongue up and down 3 times
reach to your nose, then to your chin
peanut butter lick for 5 seconds
make sure your tongue doesn't leave the roof of your mouth!
peanut butter licknfor 5 seconds
make sure your tongue doesn't leave the roof of your mouth!
cheek poke (hold each side for 10 seconds)
keep your jaw still. good job!
cheek poke (hold each side for 10 seconds)
keep your jaw still. good job!
tongue wags 5 times
keep your jaw still. good job!
tongue wags 5 times
keep your jaw still. good job!
tongue wags 5 times
keep your jaw still. good job!
tongue wags 5 times
keep your jaw still. good job!
cheek poke (hold each side for 10 seconds)
keep your jaw still. good job!
cheek poke (hold each side for 10 seconds)
keep your jaw still. good job!
do tongue trace once
remember to go slow! 5 seconds back, 5 seconds forward.
do tongue trace once
remember to go slow! 5 seconds back, 5 seconds forward.
do tongue trace once
remember to go slow! 5 seconds back, 5 seconds forward.
do tongue trace once
remember to go slow! 5 seconds back, 5 seconds forward.
hold tongue cave for 10 seconds
great job!
hold tongue cave for 10 seconds
great job!
hold tongue cave for 30 seconds
great job!
hold tongue cave for 15 seconds
great job!
teeth count
how many teeth do you have?
teeth count
how many teeth do you have?
hold the spot for 20 seconds
make sure you keep your mouth open
hold the spot for 20 seconds
make sure you keep your mouth open
hold the spot for 15 seconds
hold the spot for 15 seconds