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History 57 Hundred Years' War

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Summarize the Hundred Years' War in 30 seconds or less.
Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for...
What was the most interesting thing you learned about the Hundred Years' War? Why?
Cool, thanks for sharing! / Wow, do you really not know?
Choose a major location of the Hundred Years' War and tell us one fact about it.
Calais, Gascony, Aquitaine, Burgundy, etc.
Name two results of the Hundred Years' War.
Military, social, national, historical, etc.
Which English soldiers were the most effective in the Hundred Years' War? Why?
Tell us two facts about the Lancastrian War Phase of the Hundred Years' War.
3rd, 1415-1453, Henry V, Joan of Arc, Battle of Agincourt, etc.
Tell us two facts about the Caroline War Phase of the Hundred Years' War.
2nd, 1369-1389, recovery from Black Death, chevauchées, Charles V "the Wise" reconquers all lost territory, etc.
Tell us two facts about the Edwardian Phase of the Hundred Years' War.
1st, 1337-1360, Black Prince, Edward III, Battles of Crécy & Poitiers, etc.
Name two causes of the Hundred Years' War.
Economic, personal, land & glory.
Who's the woman in this picture? Tell us two facts about her.
Joan of Arc.