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Have you ever...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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lend money to someone
Have you ever lent money to someone? Who did you lend it to? Did they give it back? etc.
sleep in a tent
Have you ever slept in a tent? Did you like it? etc.
forget an important birthday
Have you ever forgotten an important birthday? Whose birthday was it? What did you do? etc.
meet someone famous
Have you ever met someone famous? Who did you meet? Where did you meet them? etc.
see the Eiffel Tower
Have you ever seen the Eiffel Tower? When did you see it? Who did you see it with? etc.
sing in public
Have you ever sung in public? Where did you sing? What did you sing? etc.
eat Japanese food
Have you ever eaten Japanese food? When did you eat it? Did you like it? etc.
ride a camel
Have you ever ridden a camel? Where did you ride it? etc.
win a competition
Have you ever won a competition? What competition was it? etc.
swim in a lake
Have you ever swum in a lake? Which lake did you swim in? Who were you with? etc.
be to the UK
Have you ever been to the UK? When did you go there? Who did you go with? etc.