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Foundations Chapter 5 Infection Control

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Before applying warm or hot water to a clients hair or skin, always test the water temperature on ______.
the inside of your wrist
your hand
your own hair or scalp
the outside of your elbow
How often should one change gloves?
after every use
after every other use
in between each client
every single day
The CDC publishes ________, guidelines that employees and employers agree to with the assumption that any human blood or body fluids are potentially infectious
Standard precautions
exposure incidents
When handling disinfectants, NEVER _______.
place them in unmarked containers
add them to water to dilute them
mix them together via manufacturers recomendations
use them on nonporous surfaces
Which of the following is TRUE of chlorine bleach?
it is an effective disinfectant
it is not corrosive
it is safe to use with all plastics
it cannot be safley used in salons
If there is no time specified or recomended by the manufacturer of the disinfectant, how long must a tool be left fully submersed?
10 min
10 sec
1 hr
10 hr
Which of the following is NOT true of disinfectants?
they destroy all bacteria
they are pesticides
they can be harmful if absorbed through the skin
they must carry an EPA registration # to be used in shop
Which of the following is TRUE of the process of disinfection?
it eliminates most microorganisms
it eliminates all microorganisns
it eliminates no microorganisms
it eliminates a small number of microorganisms
HIV is spread through which of the following means?
From person to person through the blood
From person to person through air
indirectly through the touching of objects
HIV is not contagious
Which of the following is NOT true of staphylococci
most strains make us very ill
they are among the most commom forms of bacteria
they routinely found in our enviromen
they can be picked up on doorknobs
When it come to the spread of infectious disease, beauty professionals must be prepared to deal with all EXCEPT which type of potentially harmful organisms
Which of the following is NOT required of disinfectants used in salons, spas, or barbershops?
They must be hypoallergenic
they must be bactericidal
they must be virucidal
they must be fungacidal
Indirect transmission of a disease __________.
happens through contact with an intermediate object
occures by kissing another person
occures by shaking hands with another person
cannot make an individual sick
Which of the following is true of pathogens?
all reside in different placese & effect humans differently
all reside in the same place
all infect humans in the same way
all reside in different places & infect humans the same
When does a clients impression of a salon, spa, or barbershop begin?
the moment they open the door
the moment they see the results of their treatment
the moment they meet their beauty pro
the moment they meet the managment team
Prevention of the spread of infections begins and ends with _______.
infectious materials
Which of the following would the EPA most likely be involved in regulating?
safe manufacturing of chemical products used in workplace
Safe use of chemical products used in the workplace
Safe mixing of chemical products used in the workplace
Safe storing of chemical products used in the workplace
Which of the following is more likely to be governed by state regulatory agencies rather than federal regulatory agencies?
Setting guidelines for licensing and enforcing on the job
setting guidelines for the manufacture or chemicals
setting guidelines for the sale of equipment
setting guidelines for the use of equipment
Which of the following is more likely to be governed by federal regulatory agencies rather than state regulatory agencies?
Sale of chemicals used on the job
Licensing for working on the job
enforcement of job saftey
Conduct on the job
Which of the following is manly used ro remove visible dirt?
which of the following refers to the method used to eliminate or reduce the transmission of infectious organisms from one individual to another?
Infection control
Standard Precautions