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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I miss DANCE until my feet hurt!
I miss dancing until my feet hurt!
I'm very worried about VOTE wrong.
I'm very worried about voting wrong.
Sofia risked TELL Pablo her secret.
Sofia risked telling Pablo her secret.
She teaches young people DRIVE.
She teaches young people to drive.
We decided EAT empanadas.
We decided to eat empanadas.
Tom offered DECORATE the party.
Tom offered to decorate the party.
She's afraid of GO by plane.
She's afraid of going by plane.
She is old enough DRIVE.
She is old enough to drive.
I like WRITE postcards.
I like writing postcards.
She didn't mind LEND me money.
She didn't mind lending me money.
She can't stand WATCH long films.
She can't stand watching long films.
She's very good at DANCE.
She's very good at dancing.
I'm lucky HAVE you as a friend.
I'm lucky to have you as a friend.
What do you know about SKI?
What do you know about skiing?
Do you enjoy SWIM?
Do you enjoy swimming?
I decided BUY a car.
I decided to buy a car.
This exercise is too easy ANSWER.
This exercise is too easy to answer.
Anna was sad SEE you leave.
Anna was sad to see you leave.
She avoids DO laundry.
She avoids doing laundry.
I promised DO it.
I promised to do it.
I hate SMOKE.
I hate smoking.