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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where I live there are only a few public transports. Is it a city or a village?
A village
A red triangle sign means prohibition. True or False?
False. It means WARNING
Before crossing you have to look ______ and _______
left and right
What is this sign called?
Pedestrian traffic lights
What does the green light mean?
It means GO
To stop buying toys is good for the environment. Is called "Reuse" True or False?
False. It is called "Reduce"
The ________ bin is garbage that is useful for the plants
I throw the jam jar in the __________ container
I don't want a straw in my juice, thank you. What R' is mentioned here?
Big buildings are typical in Madrid, because it is a city. True or false?
In rural areas you can find a lot of traffic. True or False?
False. There is very little traffic