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U2R3 Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you break the rules, I might appear, A form of discipline that you'll fear. What am I, my dear?
I'm a consequence when you do wrong, It's a way to help you learn and stay strong. What's this word that's not a song?
Riddle: I'm a word that means smart and wise, Solving problems, I'm your prize. What am I?
Can you share a time when you faced a fun challenge in a game or at school?
Games, midterms, activities, sports, etc...
something difficult or tricky that you need to do or solve.
How would you attach a photo to a school project?
tape, glue etc...
when you connect or stick things together, like using glue or tape
How can you make sure your bike is secure when you're not using it?
Get something through hard work
to spread things around in different directions.
When you get this,, you are given a consequence for doing something wrong.
very smart and can solve problems well
To close or connect something, like buttons on clothes.
To act like something is real, even if it's not
to act or make believe, often in a playful or imaginative way
I start with "E" and end with "R," I'm full of excitement, what am I?
What does it mean to be eager?
Enthusiastic, looking forward to something, excited...
T/F: "Eager" means to be enthusiastic, impatiently desiring or looking forward to something.