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Hometown (pre-intermediate)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Amir Temur square is the ... of Tashkent.
art, music, literature and related intellectual activities
buildings, roads, and power supplies
growing larger in size
Several ... buildings were built. (visually impressive buildings)
Several imposing local buildings were built.
grocery, food stores, post offices, primary schools, churches
Cities usually have rich and ... areas.
Cities usually have rich and poor areas.
full of activity and people (a ... market)
full of activity and people (a bustling market)
There ... a lot of water in the Aral sea, but there is no drinkable water.
There used to be a lot of water in the Aral sea.
the state of being extremely poor
It is a small city, but there are different types of ... available.
It is a small city, but there are different types of transportation available.
increasing quickly
growing rapidly
Some parts of the city have ... improved. (related to money)
Some parts of the city have ... improved.
outer areas of a town or city
More and more educational ... were built. For example, schools, colleges and universities
More and more educational establishments were built.
a place where businesses can rent offices or rooms for meetings, events
traffic jam
traffic congestion
extremely large
a ... cosmopolitan city
a vibrant cosmopolitan city
... and fishing are common in my hometown.
Agriculture and fishing are common in my hometown.
insufficiency of food or water
food shortage, water shortage
shopping centre
shopping mall
My hometown is both ... and modern.
My hometown is both traditional and modern.