Edit Game
J5 - units 3 and 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A) Are there any potatoes / B) Is there any potatoes?
A) Are there any potatoes
They like ______________.
going on a ride
He likes _______________.
watching a show
There ____________ of rice.
are two bags
I like going to the _____________.
amusement park
I like _____________.
watching a game
She likes ___________.
going shopping
Complete: A ________ of fruit.
Complete: A _____ of coffee
Complete: A ___________ of juice.
A) Are there any milk? / B) Is there any milk?
Is there any milk?
A) Are there any BEANS / Is there any BEANS
Are there any beans?
A)Are there any sugar? B)Is there any sugar?
Is there any sugar
(Put the words in the correct order) coconuts - of - there - lots - are
There are lots of coconuts.
(Put the words in the correct order) tomatoes -  any -  there are - ?
Are there any tomatoes?
Complete the sentence: There are _____ pears. (some/any)
There __________ mangoes. (are some/aren't any)
Yes, there are some mangoes.
There ___________ pineapples.(are some/aren't any)
aren't any
Complete the sentence: There __________ mangoes. (are lots of/are some)
are lots of.
There ______________ apples.(is a lot of/are lots of)
are lots of