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Law - Review Units 1-14
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sinonyms for "case", Mention 3
Trial, Legal action, sue, dispute, lawsuit
What is a Police report?
What is a State Court?
A court which deals with State Law rather federal.
Name 3 examples of punishments, apart from incarcellation.
Capital punishment, Probation, Damages
Give 2 examples of Administrative Law.
If a defendant obtains a resolution against him, what can he do?
Apart from Civil, Administrative and Criminal Law, is there another type?
Militar, International Law.
What means "sworn in"
To promise you say only The Truth
What does the plaintiff do?
Start a legal process demanding a compensation
What is the most important court in the US?
The Supreme Court
Name 3 resources of information during research.
Digital library, digests, journals, encyclopedias, form books, precedents, etc.
Where is the jugde?
The bench
Give an example where Civil Law is applied.
...is the person in charge to help the attorney.
Administrative Law is related to...
Conflicts/Procedures between Government and Citizens.
How must we adress to the judge?
"Your Honor"