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Perimeter review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mrs. Kostis bought a new house. Her house is 42M long and 33M wide, what is the perimeter?
Mrs. Diamond created a hockey rink in her backyard, the rink was 2000cm long and 85m wide. What is the perimeter of the rink? (In meters )
Jackson, Joey, Kyra, and Landyn were playing soccer in a field. The field was 100M long and 50M wide. What is the perimeter of the field?
Mrs. Printy is getting a swimming pool. The pool is 10M long and 5M wide. What is the area of her new pool?
How long is each side of a triangle that has three equal sides and a perimeter of 27cm?
Jackson and Landyn need to buy a cover for their pool. The pool has two sides that are 6M long and two sides that are 300cm long. What is the perimeter of the pool?
18M or 1800cm
Krya and Joey want to make a sign that has a perimeter of 44 cm with 4 equal sides. How long should they make each side?
11 cm
The perimeter of a rectangle is 44cm. One of the long sides of the rectangle is 16cm, What is the length of the shorter sides?
What is the perimeter of a pentagon if each side is 13cm?
Kyra and Jackson made a birdhouse. Two of the sides were 17cm and the other two sides were 32cm. What is the perimeter of their birdhouse?
Joey and Landyn built a treehouse. Each side was 370cm. What is the perimeter of their treehouse?
14.8M 1480cm
Landyn, Kyra, Joey, and Jackson went to the beach and built a sandcastle. Two of the sides of the castle were 3M and the other two sides were 5M. What is the perimeter of their sandcastle?
Landyn set up a tent that has two sides that are 330cm and two sides that are 440cm. What is the perimeter of Landon's tent?
Kyra made a slip and slide. It was 70cm wide and 8M long. What is the perimeter of Kyra's slip and slide?
1740cm or 17.4M
Joey built a fort in his yard. The fort was square and each side was 1.2m. What is the perimeter if Joey's fort?
If Jackson planted a garden that was 1.5M on two sides and  1M on the other two sides what is the perimeter of Jackson's garden?
What is the perimeter of a trapezoid if the top is 22cm, the bottom is 42cm, and the sides are each 30cm?
If the perimeter of a triangle is 99cm what is the length of one side?
If the perimeter of a square is 48cm what is the length of one side?
What is the perimeter if this rectangle? One side is 12cm and another side is 6cm.
What is the perimeter this square? Each side is 15cm.