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Biochemistry and Macromolecules
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Which bond is NONPOLAR? O-H, N-H, C-H, C-O
C-H, we know because lipids are a long chain of C-H bonds and they are nonpolar
Explain surface tension
Water molecules are strongly attracted to each other, especially at the surface where they form a tight film that resists external force
What is an atom?
The smallest unit of matter
Why does alcohol dry faster than water?
Alcohol has few H bonds, which keep molecules stuck together until enough energy is input to break them
Describe how water freezes. What happens to the position of the water molecules and why?
As water molecules slow, hydrogen bonds hold water molecules apart in a crystal structure. Six-sided. Less dense than liquid water
Lactose is made of what two monosaccharides?
Glucose and galactose
What MOLECULE does lettuce, potatoes, and trees have in common?
Cellulose - makes up cell walls
State TWO differences between a SATURATED and an UNSATURATED fat
Sat. fats come from animals. Solid at room temp. As many H's as possible. Unsat from plants, liquid, kink in chain.
Define the levels of protein structure
Amino acid -> peptide chain -> complicated folds -> combine to form polypeptide
DRAW and NAME the basic building block of lipids
Fatty acid
What's a monomer?
The building block of our four basic biological molecules
How are lipids and carbohydrates similar?
Both store energy for later use by the cell
What is soluble in water?
Polar, partially polar, or charged substances. Ionic compounds, vitamins, minerals, sugar...
How are nucleic acids related to proteins?
Nucleic acids provide the instructions to create proteins
Compare AND contrast DNA and RNA
Both nucleic acids. DNA double stranded, A, T, C, G. RNA single stranded, A, U, C, G.
Which macromolecule is the "workhorse" of the cell?
How is a molecule different from an atom?
A molecule is many atoms bonded together.
Compare AND contrast polar and nonpolar bonds
Both caused by shared electrons. Polar = unequally, nonpolar = equally shared
Macromolecules are compounds with what type of bond?
Covalently bonded compounds
How can you remember the structure of a nucleotide?
Pool (phosphate) - House (pentose sugar) - Garage (base)
Which macromolecule(s) have nitrogen?
Proteins and Nucleic Acids
DRAW and NAME the monomer of carbohydrates
What is the name for the dense, positively charged center of the atom?
The nucleus
Which category of molecule is our main source of energy?
Which category of molecule forms a protective, waxy layer over leaves?
How do ions form?
Atoms take or give electrons. Aka an imbalance of positive protons and negative electrons
Which MOLECULE separates the watery cell interior from the watery structure outside the cell?
Phospholipid - the bilayer forms a nonpolar barrier around the cell
DRAW at least three water molecules. Include partial charges and label the *two* types of bonds
Covalent bonds are lines (electrons shared). Hydrogen bonds are dotted (attraction NOT a bond)
Which category of macromolecule aids in digestion?
Proteins - Enzymes digest our food into usable monomers