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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How would you ask for directions to find where they moved the crackers at the grocery store?
Excuse me, where can I find the crackers? (Or: Excuse me, where are the crackers?)
What would you say to your friend if they said they had a bad day?
I'm sorry to hear that!
What can you say to your friend at the end of a game you were both playing?
Good game! You did great!
What would you say to someone after they did something nice for you? (e.g. They helped you carry something heavy into the house)
Thank you for your help! I appreciate it!
What can you say to your friend before you leave school for the day?
Bye! Have a good night!
What would you say if you did not understand what someone said to you?
Can you please say that again? (Or: Can you repeat that please? Can you say that slower please?)
What could you say to the cashier when you approach their register at the store?
Hi! How are you today?
What can you say to your friend before you leave school for the day?
Bye! Have a good night!
What can you say to your friend at the end of a game you were both playing?
Good game! You did great!
What would you say to your friend if they old you their pet cat passed away?
I'm so sorry to hear that!
How would you ask for directions to find where they moved the sponges at the grocery store?
Excuse me, where can I find the sponges? (Or: Excuse me, where are the sponges?)
How would you order your favorite food at a restaurant?
Can I please have the....?
How would you greet your friend?
Hi! How are you today?
How would you say goodbye to someone after visiting them?
It was good to see you! Thank you for visiting!
What would you say to your teacher right before you go on Thanksgiving break from school?
Have a good Thanksgiving! See you next week!
What would you say to someone who has done something nice for you? (e.g. They helped you carry something heavy into the house)
Thank you for your help! I appreciate it!