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Skeletal System

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is another name for mandible?
Jaw bone
There are 3 sections of these that make up the spine
What are phalanges?
Finger and Toe bones
What is the pelvis?
Hip bone
The longest bone in the body
Protects vital organs like the heart and lungs
Connects bone to bone
Connects bone to muscle
Creates a smooth suface between bones
What kind of cells does bone produce?
blood cells
Why do newborns have more bones than adults?
More bones make it easier for babies to be birthed
How many bones does an adult have?
Where is spongy bone found?
The inner part of the bone usually surrounding the marrow
Where can compact bone be found?
The outer, stronger part of bone
What are two types of tissue found in bone?
Spongy and Compact
What are 4 major functions of the Skeletal System?
Support, Protection, Movement, Producing Blood cells
What 4 components does the Skeletal System consists of:
Bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons
What are the 3 classifications of bone shapes?
long, flat irregular
Medical Term name used for breastbone
Give an example of a long bone.
femur, humerus
Give an example of a flat bone
pelvis, scapula
The membrane surrounding the bones is the
Give an example of an irregular bone
vertebrae, mandible
Where is the humerus located?
Upper arm