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Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 7

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When Jack's family and the Jupiter's foster mom hugged Joseph....
he didn't flinch.
he did flinch
he backed up and put his hands up in the air
he froze
On the way home, Joseph ate so much that ...
Jack's dad checked his wallet twice
he threw up
he fell asleep from a food coma
he didn't eat for days
What made Joseph smile for the eighth time?
Jack told him he was out looking for him.
seeing Jupiter
finding Jupiter
meeting Jupiter's foster mom
What did Jupiter's foster mom promise to do for Joseph?
She would write to Joseph and tell her all about him.
She would bring Jupiter by for visits.
She would adopt her so she has a good home.
She would sing to her every night.
What did Jupiter's foster mom give Joseph?
a photograph of Jupiter
a letter that Maddie wrote
a baby book
She brought out Jupiter for Joseph to see
What was the phone call that Jupiter's foster mom received about?
Joseph was standing out front of Jupiter's home
Jupiter had been taken
Joseph's dad signed the forms so Jupiter could be adopted
Joseph was trying to break in to see Jupiter
What rule did Jupiter's foster mom repeat three times?
to not interfere
stay in the car
seat belt needed to be buckled even when stopped
had to not expect to see Jupiter
Every time the Jupiter's foster mom addresses Jack, she says,
"Guy who has Jupiter's Father's back"
"Guy who has Joseph's back"
"Guy who is nosey"
"Guy who needs to mind his own business"
The librarian that Jack talks to ends up being....
Jupiter's foster mother
Jupiter's grandparent
Jupiter's aunt
Jupiter's babysitter
Jack tells the librarian that Joseph can....
love Jupiter
be a full-time dad
be responsible
take care of her now
What does the librarian say to Jack about why Joseph can't be with Jupiter?
He can't give Jupiter what she needs
He can't love her
He isn't old enough
He has a record and can't be a parent
What did Jack ask of the librarian once he knew she knew Jupiter?
can Joseph see her
can Joseph have Jupiter back
can Joseph have weekly visits
can Joseph just meet her once
How did Jack introduce himself to the librarian?
I have his back
Jackson Hurd
How old did Jack say Jupiter was?
4 months
3 months
1 year
5 months
Where did Jack end up that provided him information about Joseph?
the libary
the diner
walking around the neighborhood
he had no luck anywhere.
The phone number Joseph gave Pastor Greenleaf ended up being....
a real estate agent in Yarmouth
a breakfast diner
the library
a bank
What did Joseph eat while at the church with Pastor Greenleaf?
potato chips
What picture did Jack's family have of Joseph?
Joseph with Rosie
Joseph with Quintus Sertorius
Joseph with Dahlia
Joseph skating on the ice
At the end of chapter 5, where do we think Joseph is heading to?
Stone Mountain
The library
Eastham Middle
When Pastor Greenleaf asked Jack, "The boy isn't your brother?" What did Jack say?
I have his back.
He's like a brother to me.
He is my brother.
He lives with us.
Who was the first person the Hurd family talked to that had seen Joseph?
Pastor Greenleaf
Mr. Canton
Jupiter's foster mother
the police
The Hurd family wanted to go to Brunswick to look for Joseph. Who thought they shouldn't go?
Mrs. Stroud
Mr. Canton
Joseph's dad
Jupiter's foster mother
Why did Jack think people wouldn't recognize Joseph from the picture Mrs. Stroud shared?
His hair was shorter now
He had a black eye
He had grown up a lot
He had changed the color of his hair
What did Mrs. Hurd want to do to Mr. Canton?
Take a skillet to his face
Kick him out of the house
Throw him into the Alliance River
Send him to look for Joseph
Who came by and was, according to Jack's mom, full of himself?
Mr. Canton
Joseph's dad
Mr. D'Ulney
Mr. Hurd
Who called the police to let them know Joseph had left the Hurd home?
Mrs. Stroud
Mr. Canton
Mrs. Hurd
What did the Hurd family have for dinner when they returned from looking for Joseph?
canned peaches
Why did Jack and his father turn around?
The snow got thicker and they weren't going to get further.
They found Joseph.
Mrs. Hurd called and told them to come home.
They got a flat tire.