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Orbiting Jupiter Chapter 7
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When Pastor Greenleaf asked Jack, "The boy isn't your brother?" What did Jack say?
I have his back.
He's like a brother to me.
He is my brother.
He lives with us.
Who was the first person the Hurd family talked to that had seen Joseph?
Pastor Greenleaf
Mr. Canton
Jupiter's foster mother
the police
The Hurd family wanted to go to Brunswick to look for Joseph. Who thought they shouldn't go?
Mrs. Stroud
Mr. Canton
Joseph's dad
Jupiter's foster mother
Why did Jack think people wouldn't recognize Joseph from the picture Mrs. Stroud shared?
His hair was shorter now
He had a black eye
He had grown up a lot
He had changed the color of his hair
What did Mrs. Hurd want to do to Mr. Canton?
Take a skillet to his face
Kick him out of the house
Throw him into the Alliance River
Send him to look for Joseph
Who came by and was, according to Jack's mom, full of himself?
Mr. Canton
Joseph's dad
Mr. D'Ulney
Mr. Hurd
Who called the police to let them know Joseph had left the Hurd home?
Mrs. Stroud
Mr. Canton
Mrs. Hurd
What did the Hurd family have for dinner when they returned from looking for Joseph?
canned peaches
Why did Jack and his father turn around?
The snow got thicker and they knew they couldn't get much fu
They found Joseph.
Mrs. Hurd called and told them to come home.
They got a flat tire.