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What Will You Do?
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Someone loudly made a rude comment about you annoying them, what should you do?
Do not reply to them. If it was serious, pull the teacher aside and tell them.
Someone is talking to much and being really annoying, what should you do?
Think "This is a SMALL problem, I can breathe and ignore them"
If someone talks over you, what should you do?
breathe, and wait for them to finish to continue your conversation
A classmate is calling you names, what should you do?
Ignore them, continue working or tell an adult.
If someone sneezes what do you do?
say bless you
If you receive a gift what do you do?
say thank you
If you need help with something what do you do?
ask for help
If you see someone crying what do you do?
comfort them
If you have a question what do you do?
raise your hand
If you have to go to the restroom what do you do?
ask for permission
What do you do if a stranger calls you?
tell an adult
If someone pushes you what do you do?
tell the teacher
If a elderly man drops something what would you do?
pick it up for them
If a girl fell from her bike what do you do?
help her