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Ohio 2.1

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The proclamation set aside the land west of the Appalachian Mountains for the American Indians, and
it forbid colonist from settling on that land.
Who issued the Proclamation of 1763?
King George lll.
Fighting methods changed because of what?
What did colonists bring to the Native Americans that caused many problems with their health?
What is an alliance?
A formal agreement to join together
The British and the French had arguments over what?
land and trade
Why was there a rivalry between the British and the French colonists?
They were competing for wealth, land, and power.
What was the result of the French and Indian War?
France lost the Ohio Country.
What are allies?
People or groups that join together for a common cause.
Hats were popular in Europe. So what animal was an important trade item?
How did the British decide to pay for the French Indian War?
The ordered the colonist to pay more taxes
What is a colony?
A settlement that is ruled by a faraway government
Why the Ohio Valley was wanted by many?
It had fertile soil, many river systems, and plenty of wildlife.
Which region of Ohio was fought over during the French and Indian War?
The Ohio Valley
A reasons some Europeans first came to North America?
to enjoy religious freedom
Who was the leader who fought for the English in one war and against the English in another war.
George Washington
Why did European traders come to the Ohio Valley?
To trade furs
Why did the French and British build forts in the Ohio Country?
To protect their settlements from each other
A treaty is a(n):______________________________
Agreement between two countries.