Edit Game
L7 Unit 1+2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What words could you omit here - Are you ready to leave?
(Are you) Ready to leave?
What would you substitute here - I didn't have a job, but I've got a job now
a job
Make a cleft sentence - what + subject + verb + be
We use past participles (ed form) in the reduced relative clause when the verb in the original clause has a/an ________ meaning
We use present participles (ing form) in the reduced relative clause when the verb in the original clause has a/an ________ meaning
We use be prone to (+infinitive) and be inclined to (+infinitive) to describe likely positive or negative behaviour?
Negative behaviour
We use keep on for present habits. What do we use for past habits
Kept on
What do we not use to talk about past states
If something is an easy yes to say to, it's a
I enjoy these classes so much, I never look at the clock so I.....
lose track of time
Something special and not likely to be repeated
Planting flowers is one way to _________ a city centre
spruce up
What is the opposite of being the favourite?
Being the underdog
What verb means to admit that you have lost?
Poor-quality homes that are not in good condition are called....
Factories are usually found where?
An industrial estate
A phrase meaning "immediately like"
hit it off with
If person A and Person B know person C they have a ________ friend
If your friend can keep a secret you are more likely to _________ in them
confide in
If you and a friend aren't talking to each other anymore, you have
fell out / fallen out