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Power Up 5 Vocab
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What sport is it?
It's rugby
What is it? Have you got one?
It's a vacuum cleaner
What is it?
It's a drone
What is she doing?
She is doing stretching
What is it? What sport is played there?
It's a stadium, football is played there
What does he do?
He is a trainer
What is it?
It's a phone charger
What is it?
What is it?
Air conditioner
Where can you find protein?
Fish, meat, chicken
What is "injured"?
When something hurts
What is "nasty"?
Something which is pretty bad and disgusting
What is "spectacular"?
Na Hang is spectacular
What is punish?
To punish is to hit someone with a ruler
What is law? Can you break it?
Law is what we have to obey otherwise we will be punished.
What is fair? Make an example
It's fair when you don't do your homework and get bad marks at school
What is encourage?
When you push someone, believe in someone's victory or success
Make an example with "even though"
Even though Hana likes to eat bread, she is slim
When you give money to poor or sick people, to animals
What is idea?
When you come up with a possible solution for a problem
When several people want to win