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9M Final Term1 Review
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Heterogeneous Mixture
A mixture in which different parts of the mixture are visible.
Homogenous Mixture
A mixture that looks the same throughout (the separate components are not visible)
Chemical property
Any ability to produce a change in the composition of matter (i.e. changing into a new substance or substances with new properties)
Physical property
color, texture, odor, and the temperature at which a substance melts are examples of
a comination of pure substances (i.e. more than one type of particle in this substance)
a pure substance that is made from two or more elements that are combined together chemically (i.e. one type of particle, but the particles are made u...
Pure Substance
made up of only one kind of matter and has a unique set of properties. Either an element or a compound.
the dense center of an atom.
Valence electron
the electrons on the outer shell
an abbreviation of the element name
Atomic Mass
located at the bottom of the tile, tells us the number of protons plus neutrons
Atomic Number
located at the top of the tile, tells us the number on the periodic table (where to find it) as well as the number of protons.
found to the right of the staircase on the periodic table
found on the staircase in-between the metals on the left and the nonmetals on the right
found to the left of the staircase, make up most of the periodic table
Rows across the periodic table, there are 7 of them.
Group or Family
a column (up and down) on the periodic table, there are 8
a part of the atom with no charge that lives in the nucleus
a part of the atom with a positive charge that lives in the nucleus
a part of the atom with a negative charge that lives outside of the nucleus
a substance that is made up of 1 type of atom (it cannot be broken down into any simpler substance by chemical means)
smallest part of matter
how much space something takes up
the amount of "stuff" something is made up of
anything that has both mass and volume