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Reactivity Science

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Which two results are correct?
2 & 4
Read the underlined words carefully. Rank the metals according to decreasing reactivity (most reactive to least reactive).
Metal A, B, C, D
What will be reaction if less reactive metal is added in a solution with more reactive metal compound? A. vigorous reaction; B. burns moderately; C. fizzing gas produced; D. No reaction
D. No reaction
If the metal is more reactive than the metal in the compound it completes with the less reactive metal. Therefore, it can concluded that ...
The more reactive metal pushes out or displaces the less reactive metal from its compound
Which metal is more reactive than calcium? A. Magnesium; B. Silver; C. Potassium; D. Aluminium
C. Potassium
Which one of the following metals reacts most vigorously with cold water? A. Sodium; B. Copper; C. Magnesium; D. Zinc
A. Sodium
Complete the following equation: 2Cu (s) + O2 (g) --> A. 2CuO; B. 4CuO; C. 2Cu2O; D. Cu2O2
A. 2CuO
Write the correct equation when aluminum reacts with sulfuric acid?
2Al (s) + 3H2SO4 (aq) --> Al2(SO4)3 (aq) + 3H2 (g)
Which of the following is arranged according increasing reactivity? A. Mg > Li > Na > K ; B. Mg > Na > Li > K; C. Na > Li > Mg > K; D. K > Mg > Na > Li
A. Mg > Li > Na > K
Write the correct equation when potassium reacts with water?
2K (s) + 2H2O (l) --> 2KOH (aq) + H2 (g)
When magnesium reacts with copper sulphate, there are two products. What are they?
Magnesium Sulfate and Copper
When a metal salt reacts with a more reactive salt, what sort of reaction occurs? A. Displacement; B. Combustion; C. Neutralisation; D. No reaction
A. Displacement
What else is produced when a metal reacts with water? A. Metal Oxide; B. Metal Hydride, C. Metal Carbonate; D. Metal Hydroxide
D. Metal Hydroxide
Metal X displace gold in a solution of silver chloride. Metal X doesn't displace copper in a solution of copper chloride. Suggest what metal X could be?
The alkali metals are in group 1, on the far left of the periodic table. Which of these is NOT an alkali metal? A. Lithium; B. Iron; C. Potassium; D. Francium
B. Iron
Sodium burns brightly when heated, and forms an oxide. Does calcium react more vigorously or less vigorously than sodium?
Less vigorously
Which is the more reactive metal: copper or zinc?