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Multiplication/Arrays/Repeated Addition Study Gu ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A group of 4 swimmers is wearing green swimming caps. Another group of 4 is wearing yellow swimming caps. How many swimmers are wearing swimming caps?
8 swimmers
Write + or x to make the sentence true. 3____8= 8____8____8
3 x 8 is the same as 8+8+8
Write an addition sentence to go with the picture.
7+ 7 + 7
There are 96 seats in the auditorium. Only 18 of the seats are empty. How many are filled?
78 seats
Gil's part in the show is 9 minutes long. Malik's part is 12 minutes longer. How long is Malik's part?
21 minutes
Kayo sold 4 tickets to each of 9 different groups. How many tickets did Kayo sell?
36 tickets
Nathan put 9 chairs in each row. There are 3 rows. How many chairs are there?
27 chairs
Write a multiplication sentence that has the same product as 4 X 9
9 X 4
Multiply: 7 X 3=
Multiply: 4 X 8=
Multiply: 1 x 9=
Multiply: 5 x 6=
What are the two factors in 8X5=40?
8 and 5
How many are in 2 groups of 9?
How many are in 3 GROUPS of 6
Write a multiplication sentence to tell about the picture.
3 x 8= 24