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Money vocabulary

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you open an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with this bank, you get an interest-free credit card for a year.
The government is going to put up _ _ _ _ _ on alcohol and cigarettes.
I've asked my bank for a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because I want to buy a flat.
My grandmother's afraid of using _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the street. She prefers to go into the bank to get money.
cash machines
How can the electrician _ _ _ _ _ _ us $200 for ten minutes' work?
Our neighbout _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a beautiful house in the country when her aunt Jane died.
Our gas _ _ _ _ was really high this month because we had the central heating on all the time.
Diana started spending a lot more money than she had in the bank. She got into _ _ _ _ after 6 months.
Did the bank _ _ _ _ you the money to buy a new car?
Can I _ _ _ _ _ credit card?
pay by
I used to have a money box when I was young. That's how I learned to _ _ _ _ money.
Why are you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your money on things you don't really need?
Some people think it's a really bad idea to borrow money _ _ _ _ a close friend.
Do you have any change for the supermarket trolley? I only have a $10 _ _ _ _ .
Sorry, but I can't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the money I owe you until the end of the month.
pay back
How much do you think you'll _ _ _ _ every month in your new job?
My brother didn't _ _ _ very much _ _ _ his car. It was second hand.
pay / for
Pete doesn't have any money, so he has to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his parents. They pay for absolutely everything.
live off
The ring can't be _ _ _ _ _ $20,000. It looks like plastic!
We can't _ _ _ _ _ _ to go on holiday this year, so we're staying home.