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The Romans

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kinds of sports did Romans enjoy?
Chariot racing and gladiator fights
What kind of shoes did Romans wear?
What long shirt did Romans wear?
A tunic
What 3 things did a roman soldier carry to protect themselves?
Armor, Helmet, and Shield
What was a roman javelin called?
Which 3 continent were included in the roman empire?
Europe, Asia, Africa
How many years ago did the Roman empire exist?
roughly 2000 years ago
Where did the Romans come from?
Rome, in Italy
What does the formation "testudo" mean in English?
In a battle, what would the soldiers do before taking out their sword?
Throw their pilum
What is a Roman shield called?
What was a Roman sword called?
What is a Roman dagger called?
Which 2 Roman artillery weapons could throw rocks?
Onager and ballista
Which Roman artillery piece shot a big arrow at the enemy?
The Scorpion