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Present Simple & Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My parents ______ (usually/walk) to the park on Sundays.
usually walk
usually walks
usually walking
usually is walking
We usually fly to Paris on holidays but this summer we ______ (stay) home.
is staying
She ______ (not/meet) her friends on Mondays.
doesn't meet
She ______ (have/often) apples for lunch.
often has
often have
often having
is often having
What  ______ (he/usually/cook) for dinner?
does he usually cook
do he usually cooking
do he usually cooks
does he usually cooks
What  ______ (he/cook) for dinner today?
is he cooking
are he cooking
does he cook
do he cook
Today dad  ______ (cook) dinner
is cooking
are cooking
What ______ (you/usually/do) at the weekend?
do you usually do
are you usually doing
does you usually do
do you usually doing
My mum  ______ (not/often/buy) tickets to the theatre.
doesn't usually buy
doesn't usually buys
doesn't usually buying
doens't usually buy
I  ______ (not/usually/drink) tea for breakfast.
don't usually drink
am not usually drinking
don't usually drinking
do usually not drinking
Look! Dad ______ (fix) the car.
is fixing
are fixing
We usually go to school by car but today we ______ ( ride/our bikes)
are riding our bikes
is riding our bikes
rides our bikes
ride our bikes
She ______ (often/eat) at the restaurants.
often eats
often eat
often eating
is often eating
She ______ (not swim) in the sea today.
isn't swimming
isn't swim
not swim
They ______ (usually/ride) a bike at the weekends.
usually ride
usually rides
usually riding
usually not ride
Where ______ (you/sleep) tonight?
are you sleeping
do you sleep
are you sleep
am you sleeping
______ (she/drink) juice for breakfast every day?
Does she drink
Does she drinking
Do she drink
Is she drinking
______ (Tom /play) football after school today?
Is Tom playing
Are Tom playing
Does Tom play
Was Tom playing
Look!  ______ (they/dance) in the kitchen?
Are they dancing
Is they dancing
Do they dance
Can they dance
They  ______ (have) maths lesson now.
are having
is having
My dad  ______ (not/go) fishing on Mondays.
doesn't go
does go
My mum  ______ (often/clean) the house on Saturdays.
often cleans
often cleaning
often is cleaning
often clean
Tina  ______ (usually/wear) a dress to school.
usually wears
usually wear
She ______ (not/cook) fish for dinner today.
isn't cooking
is cooking
not cooks