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unit 1- living beings review- grade 3 science

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Most plants reproduce through ____.
flowers. They produce through fruits and seeds.
What are these?
What is this?
What is this?
Name an example of interaction in a plant.
When plants RESPIRE, they take in _____ from the air and expel _______.
oxygen, carbon dioxide
During photosynthesis, the leaves absorb _______ and release ______ into the air.
carbon dioxide, oxygen
Leaves use solar energy (sunlight) to do what?
Make their own food/ photosynthesis
Name a plant WITHOUT flowers or seeds
Mosses and Ferns
Name a plant that produces SEEDS INSIDE a fruit.
Dandelion, broom, oak tree, etc.
Name a plant that produces SEEDS that are NOT inside a fruit.
Pine tree, fir tree, cyprus tree, etc
What part of the plant fixes the plant in the ground? It helps absorb water and mineral salts.
What part of the plant does photosynthesis occur?
Where is the Calyx?
Where is the Pistil?
Where is the Stamens?
Where is the Corolla?
Living beings take in substances from the environment, use them and eliminate waste substances. What is this?
What is Reproduction?
Living beings make other living beings similar to them.
Living beings detect changes in their environment and react to them. What is this?
What are the three vital functions of living beings?
Nutrition, Interaction, Reproduction