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Knowing the National Capital Region

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The cities that face Laguna de Bay are Muntinlupa city and ____________.
Taguig City
The two important rivers in the NCR are Marikina river and ___________ river.
Pasig river
What is the region located in the central part of Luzon?
National Capital Region
The coastal cities facing Manila Bay are Navotas, Pasay,Parañaque, __________, and Las Piñas City. What is the missing city?
Manila City
What are the 2 neighboring regions of the National Capital Region?
Region 3 Central Luzon and Region 4A CALABARZON
In what city do we find the reclamation project known as the Manila Bay Reclamation site, where Mall of Asia is now constructed.
Pasay CIty
What is the lone municipality in the National Capital Region?
Municipality of Pateros
What is the smallest city in the Philippines?
San Juan City