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Pumpkin Lifecycle
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What is another name for the life cycle?
How many days does it take for Green pumpkin to change color?
few days
How does bee trasport pollen?
It sticks to its body and legs in the male flower and transports it to the female stage.
In which stage of pumpkin lifecycle does pollination occurs?
During what stage does a vine turn into pumpkin?
Green pumpkin stage 4
What is the first color of the Pumpkin?
During which stage do vine grows flowers?
flower stage
What color are the flowers of the vine?
What is a 3rd stage of Pumpkin lifecycle?
What is 2nd stage of Pumkin LC?
Fruit or vegetable
How many days does the seed take before it sprouts?
4-10 days
What are two necessary elements for growth of the seed?
Water and sunshine
First stage of pumkin life cycle?