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is a Canadian male singer and songwriter. Bieber is famous for his ability to combine a variety of music genres and is an artist who plays an important role in today's popular music industry.
Justin Bieber
is an American singer, actress and television personality. Often dubbed the "Goddess of Pop" by the media,
is an American actor, film producer and musician. Throughout his career, he has been the recipient of various awards, including a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild Award, along with nominations for three Academy Awards and two BAFTA Aw
Johnny Depp
is an American singer, songwriter and actress. She rose to fame through reinventing her image and being flexible between singing and acting in the entertainment industry.
Lady gaga
is a famous British businessman and television producer. He is famous on television as a judge on many major music competitions such as Pop Idol, American Idol, The X Factor or Britain's Got Talent.
Simon Cowell
is an English former professional footballer who played for Manchester United, Preston North End, Real Madrid, A.C. Milan, Los Angeles Galaxy, Paris Saint-Germain and the England national team in the midfield position.
David Beckham
This person sings well.There is a song hhats blank space
taylor swift
This person likes to help people and make people happy