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Culture Collocations

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Culture diffusion
Cultural degradation
Cultural integration
Cultural norms
Cultural assimilation
cultural exchange
Due to globalisation, cultural exchange is happening at an ever-increasing pace.
cultural values
Social emotions are key to everyday social life and therefore shaped by cultural values in their expression.
cultural factors
cultural extinction
Cultural extinction is the risk or actuality of complete loss of a culture.
cultural mosaic
The US is now a cultural and social mosaic due to the influx of several different ethnic groups.
cultural influences
Cultural influences means historical, geographical, and familial factors that affect assessment and intervention processes.
cultural background
Travelling enables travellers to encounter several people from different social and cultural backgrounds.
cultural heritage
There should be more public and private efforts aimed at the preservation of the cultural heritage.
cultural diversity
In some cosmopolitan cities, cultural diversity has increased, exposing residents to new tastes and experiences.
cultural differences
It is important for young children to learn how to embrace cultural differences.
cultural context
Cultural context is related to the society where individuals are raised in and at how the culture affects behavior
cultural identity
It is important to preserve one's cultural identity because the culture is the representation of the lifestyle of the people in a country.