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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We____(do) this work by the end of the year
will have done
By the time i ___(finish) this course, I _____(arrive) by the time you finish dressing
finish, will have arrived
He ____(finish) his work by 9 o'clock tomorrow
will have finished
We ____ (make) chicken soup, so the kitchen ____(still) hot and steamy when she ____(come) .
had been making, was, came
I ___ (do) my homework at 10p.m yesterday
was doing
He ____(go) to school before Tom ___ (come)
had gone, came
Please wake him up ! He____ (sleep) for 21 hours ( Nhấn mạnh )
Has been sleeping
I____ (learn) english for 3 years
have been learning
Your eyes ____ (red), _____you (be/cry) ?
are red, have you been crying
She _____(write)to her dad for a couple of years
has been writing
I _____ (get) backache, i ____ (work)too long on chair
have got, have been working
She ____ (watch) to many vids
has been watching
I _____ (wait) for you for 3 hours
have been waiting
She_____(sleep) all day yesterday.
was sleeping
While i____(sleep), she_____(sing)
was sleeping, was singing
When i ____ (do)my homework, my friend ____ (play)chess
was doing, was playing
I____(play) chess when the phone___(ring)
was playing, rang