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C2 REPORTS. Informative Report
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an informative report?
..presents infor. concerning a meeting that has taken place.
..evaluates positive/negat. features.It includes recommendat
..analyses information from surveys, including conclusions
..presents plans concerning possible future courses of actio
Do we have to present the information in detail under suitable subheadings?
It requires a subject title and suitable subheadings
It is not necessary
It is advisable
What does a successful report consist of?
header, an introductory paragraph, a main body, a conclusion
three paragraphs
the header and six paragraphs
as many paragraphs as needed depending on the aspects seen
What is expected in formal style?
complex sentences, advanced connectors, passive, non-colloq.
non-colloquial language
complex sentences
Abbreviations and latin-origin words
How many different types of reports are there?
There are 4:assessment/informative/survey or proposal report
A report is a report.
Just informative reports
There are various types of reports
Do you have to give information about who the report is written to/by and the subject/date of the report?
Yes, before starting writing the report
No, it is not necessary
It is up to you
Yes, at the beginning. The addressee/er's name, position,co.
Why is it written?
in response to a request or instruction
as an urge to share information
to give a brief description or evaluation
to clarify certain concepts
Who is a report addressed to?
to one's superior/colleagues, members of a committee, etc...
to one's superior
to a teacher
to whom may want to read it
Is it written concerning a particular situation?
It may concern a particular situation, place, plan, person..
Yes, it is
A particular situation or particular plan
No, it isn't. It is written concerning your points of view
What is a report?
An informative formal piece of writing
A formal letter giving information
A formal piece of writing to give your opinion on a topic
A composition describing a situation