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Newer 6th and 7th grade science

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What is a medium?
The substance through which a force acts (such as sound moving through air)
What is the difference in a form of energy and a type of energy?
A form is where the energy comes from (mechanical, electrical, nuclear, etc.) a type is if it is potential or kinetic.
What kind of nuclear energy releases more energy?
Fusion releases more energy, but the extremely high temperatures that are required to start it make it more difficult to use and control.
What is fusion?
When small nuclei combine to form larger nuclei.
What is fission?
The spliting of an atoms nucleus.
How many kinds of nuclear energy are there?
2, fission and fusion
What is nuclear energy?
is a type of potential energy stored in the nucleus. It can be released through a nuclear reaction.
Name some types of energy.
Kinetic and potential energy are the only "types" others are considered forms.
What is mechanical energy?
The energy an object has due to its motion, shape, position, or a combination of these factors.
How is mechanical energy related to potential and kinetic energy?
Mechanical energy is made of both kinetic and potential energy. How much of each at any given point depends on the motion or non-motion of the object.
What does compressed mean?
Pushing something together (into a smaller space)
What is a plane? (not an airplane)
It is a flat surface
What is elastic potential energy?
the energy associated with objects that can be compressed or stretched. This type of potential energy can be stored in such items as rubber bands, bungee cords,
What does horizontal mean?
side to side
What does vertical mean?
Up and down
What is the mathematical formula for gravitational potential energy?
Gravitational potential energy = Weight (in Newtons) x Height (in Meters)
How can we determine gravitational potential energy?
it's measured by the amount of work needed to lift an object to a certain height.
What determines gravitational potential energy?
Vertical position and weight
What does "by virtue of" mean?
because of
What does possesses mean?
What does demostrating mean?
What is the type of potential energy that comes from vertical position?
What is the type of potential energy that comes from shape?
What is potential energy?
Energy that results from the position or shape of an object
What is the mathematical formula for kinetic energy?
kinetic energy = 0.5 x mass x speed²
What affects kinetic energy?
Speed and mass
What is kinetic energy?
Energy an object possesses by virtue of being in motion.
Is work done when you hold a heavy object for a long time? Why or why not?
No. Because there is no motion
What unit is force measured in?
What unit is work measured in?
What unit is power measured in?
What is the mathematical formula for power?
Power = Work/Time
2 People load 10 items on the truck in 10 minutes: How can power be increased?
By loading more items in 10 minutes, or loading 10 items in less than 10 minutes.
What happens when an object has more power than another object?
An object that has more power than another object does more work in the same amount of time. It can also mean doing the same amount of work in less time.
What is power?
The rate at which work is done
The amount of ____ done on an object is calculated by multiplying force times distance.
Imagine that you are trying to open a jar, and the lid is stuck. You exert a lot of force on the lid, but it doesn’t move. Are you doing work?
No. No matter how much force you exert, you don’t do any work if the lid does not move.
What is work?
Any time you exert a force on an object that causes the object to change its motion in the same direction in which you exert the force.
What is Force?
A push or a pull.
What is motion?
When an object's position changes relative to another object.
What is energy?
The ability to do work or cause change
What is the name of a complicated type of machine that is made to do something simple?
Rube Goldberg machine