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Halloween riddles

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm what you say when you want candy. You go to a house and you shout...
I'm similar to a zombie, but a zombie I am not. I'm wrapped up like a present, but with white cloth.
Sometimes I'm big, sometimes I'm small. Spiders make me on the wall.
Witches make their potions in me. I'm black and like a big pot, you see.
I'm a brown sweet type of candy. Sometimes I have nuts inside me.
When there's a full moon, I will come out. I like to howl and have a long snout.
I'm a very small creature with lots of legs. People get scared, but I'm a friend!
I'm a body made of bones, and I'm quite scary. You can see my skull, but I'm not hairy.
I'm awake at night and my eyes are big to see. I can turn my head 270 degrees!
I'm a place you go to see scary things. I've got lots of rooms and you can visit me.
haunted house
I'm something you wear on Halloween night. I'm usually scary and give people a fright!
I'm a dark color and I've got fur. I live with a witch and I catch mice for her.
black cat
My eyes aren't good, so I don't like light. I'm black and small and I fly at night.
When you go trick-or-treating, you get lots of me. I'm tasty and sweet, but not very healthy.
I'm orange and round and I grow in the ground. People carve faces in me.
I've come back from the dead to eat brains, you see. I walk very slow and my skin is green!
I have fangs and a cape, and I like red things. Dracula is one of me.
I wear a pointy hat and have a black cat. I make potions in my big black cauldron.
I can pass through walls and go room to room. To scare you, I like to shout "BOO!"
I can sweep. I can fly. I can take a witch for a ride. What am I?