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Esthetics Ch. 10 Facial Devices and Technology

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The best investment for an esthetician who is starting out would be what?
A reliable steamer
What is true of all-in-one machines?
They may be more costly in the long run
Electric mitts and boots should be used in conjunction with what?
Plastic liners
Electric boots should be warmed before use for about how many minutes?
10 min.
Electric mitts and boots perform the important funtion of helping to do what?
Product absorption
A paraffin mask is used to do what to dry skin?
How often should mineral buildup in the sprayer be cleaned?
The spray machine should not be used on a client with what issues
Extensive acne and problematic skin would benefit the most from what High frequency attachment?
The large mushroom
A high frequency machine may be _____ than other machines?
Never use a galvanic machine with a client who has what condition?
High blood pressure
When using a vacuume machine, it is usually enough to make how many passes?
What client would benefit the most from a vacuume machine?
A client with sluggish circulation
What machine is designed to stimulate the skin and remove impurities?
Vacuum machine
What should the glass jar on a steamer be cleaned with?
A rotary brush would likely be used when treating a cient who did not want what service?
A peel
When buying a magnifying lamp, an esthetician might have second thoughts about purchasing a lamp that does what?
Distorts the image around the edges
The magnifying lamp should be used during what add on service?
What does a diopter measure?
The device also known as a loupe is what?
a magnifying lamp
Hot toewls are the most effective in what step of the facial?
Removal of the mask
Esthetician's are protected from bloodborne illness by the use of what PPE item?
Besides their soothing effect, what do hot towels help with?
Softening the skin before extractions
What is true of UV lamps in towel warmers in regards to disinfection?
They are not effective for disinfection.
Hot cabbies are used to heat what?
Approximately how long are most electrotherapy machines used during a facial?
5-10 minutes
Electrotherapy should never be used on a client who has what?
An example of someone who should Not recieve electrotherapy is ______.
A pregant client
How should estheticians relate to emerging new technologies?
They should educate themselves about their use and effectiveness.
What is true of the use of facial devices and technology?
It provides optimal outcomes more readily.