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Esthetics Ch. 9 Facial Massage

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What techique immediately follows effleurage on the forehead in the beginning of a facial massage?
During a facial massage, the propr amount of product is roughly _______.
1 Tsp (5 ml)
What portion of the muscle is attached to another muscle or joint?
During a massage, the ideal music______.
Has no words
The best kind of conversation during a massage is _________.
No conversation at all
Clients with dry skin would most benefit from massage products that are _______.
Herbal and cream-based
Estheticians should expllain to their clients that deep massage is ______ for facial skin?
Too rough
What technique is usually reserved only for master estheticians in some states?
Manual lymphatic drainage
The technique developed in Japan, which utilizes pressure points for relaxation is called what?
The massage therapy that depends on the use of essential oils is known as what?
Aromatherapy massage
How should vibration be use in order to be most effective?
The lughtest circular friction movemnets are usually used on the face and _________.
The neck
The technique that releases nutrients and carbon dioxide and purifies the system is?
What is the most stimulating form of massage?
The most important of the five mivements in classic Swedish massage is ______.
Effleurage on the face is performed with what part of the hand?
The cushions of the fingertips.
The massage technique that involves an invigorating rubbing that stimulates the circuation and glandular activity of the skin is called what?
the type of massage also known as percussion, and resembles playing the piano, is known as what?
If an esthetician performs petrissage three times in the left side of a clients neck, they should perform ________.
petrissage three times on the right side of the clients neck
The widest permissible scope of practice for an esthetician's massage services is determined by ________.
The state
Any esthetician may safely perform _______ ?
any massage area allowed by state regulations.
under what conditions should a client recieving cancer treatments revieve facial massage?
Only if the esthetician is trained in cncology
Does facial massage have an effect on sebum?
yes, it softens sebum.
How shoud an esthetician massage the face of a client with acne?
Massage should not be preformed in an area that has pustular breakouts.
Facial massage would likely be contraindicated with a client who ________.
Has just gotten back from a motorcycle trip across the country and is windburned.
massage increases the production of the neurotransmitters ________.
Serotonin and dopamine
Massage has been used as medicine since___________.
ancient times
What does massage influence the flow of, through the response of reflex receptors?
What does massage directly stimulate?
Circulation and metabolism
What is true of a facial massage?
It is a crucial key yo a clients satiscaction.