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C1 1a Have

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My teacher always ____________. She gives me more homework (expression)
has it in for me
Ana's party was amazing! Everyone _____ such ______ expression)
had a laugh
I would love to run a marathon, but I don't think I ___________ (expression)
have it in me
I really want to ___________ at skydiving, it looks thrilling! (expression)
have a go
Did you actually win the game? Or are you _________? (expression)
having me on
I ____ ______ (read) that book siz times, it's my absoloute favourite!
have read
I ___________ (study) for three hours and I'm knackered.
have been studying
Tomorrow, I_________ to water the plants and cut the grass
have got/ have
When I was a kid, I ______ ________ many friends
didn't have
My parents are _______ their house ________ because it's very outdated.
having/getting, renovated/decorated
My laptop broke two weeks ago, I really must ______ it _______
get/have, fixed/repaired/mended
My cousin is ___________ her nails_______ for the party
having/getting, painted/done/manicured
Later, I _________ do many chores before I can go to bed
have to
I _________ any time to meet today
don't have / haven't got
How many pets____________?
do you have/ have you got?