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In the ground

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Soil is made of r____ and b_____.
rock (in the form of grains) and biomass (in the form of dead plant material)
How many different types of rock are there?
N_____ are minerals in the soil which help plants grow.
Which type of grains don't let much water through?
Clay grains
Which type of grains let the most water travel through?
Sand grains
Put these in order from largest to smallest: silt, sand, clay
Sand - Silt - Clay
w_____ and w_____ break rocks down into grains.
Water and wind
Animals get f___, w____, and s____ from the soil.
Food, water, and shelter
Plants get n______ and w______ from the soil.
Nutrients and water
Name 3 things we can make with rocks
tiles, walls, buildings, jewelry, etc
Rocks come in different... s____, c____, p_____, t_______.
sizes, colours, patterns, textures
This type of rock is formed when other kinds of rock are changed by extreme heat and pressure
Metamorphic rock
This type of rock is made under seas and oceans as minerals and biomass squashed into layers.
Sedimentary rock
This type of rock is made when magma cools down and becomes hard.
Igneous rock