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Year 9/10 Geography Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do most most of the world’s biggest cities are located?
Along or very close to drinking water source In the northern hemisphere
Seasonal agricultural workers
work in farms temporarily at a specific time of year, especially during the harvesting seasons.
The definiton of 'skilled migration' is
the movement of persons who normally possess university education, extensive experience or a combination of the two
What is the average numbers of times Australian people move houses?
Which statement is NOT true about this graph?
This country's population can be considered as 'youthful'.
There are more males than females in working age group.
This country's population can be considered as 'aging'.
There are about the same number of males/females in 100+.
Which country's population does this graph show? ,Select the most likely one.
Demogratic Republic of Congo
What is this type of graphs called?
population pyramid/population profile
What is this type of graphs called?
Which of the following is NOT the main reason for tree/sea changers going back to the city?
Not enough money
No freinds
No entertainments
Bad infrastructures
How many litres of water does a refugee in a camp get per day?
15 litres
50 litres
5 litres
25 litres
Which country do most refugees from Syria flee to?
Which type of nations host most refugees, developed or developing?
voluntarily moves to another country
are forced to leave the country
go to another country and stay there for less than 1 year
are people who are seeking protection as a refugee
The difference between 'refugee' and 'internally displaced person' is
a refugee has left the country but IDP has not
an IDP can be treated as a criminal
a refugee flees the country because of war
an IDP has left his/her country because of religion
The similarity between 'refugee' and 'internally displaced person' is
both are forced to flee their homes
both move voluntarily
both have crossed an international border
Which of the following sectors is NOT experiencing skill shortages?
Since the end of the WWII, Australia's population has been
more than tripled.
almost the same.
Which of the following is NOT the criteria for the skilled migrant visa application?
being a single person.
Age under 45.
English skills (minimum IELTS 4.5).
Skills that are in need.
'Heartland' and 'frontier' are similar to ....
'urban' and 'rural'.
'developed' and 'developing' nations.
'tropics' and 'polar regions'.
nations that are having wars and those that are not.
Pull factors are
those that attract people to a certain place.
those that drive people away form a place.
those that slow down the country/region's development.
those that accelerate the country/region's development.
Sea/ tree changes are
moves from an urban environment to a rural location.
the environmental changes in the mountain/coastal areas.
the effects of global warming.
the seasonal changes of environment (eg. temperatures).
Fly-in, fly-out workers
don't live near work but instead commute in weekly+ basis.
commute to their work places by airplanes.
work very short period of time (part-time workers).
work only temporarily (casual workers).